Football field maintenance
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Football field maintenance

When I tell people that I'm the landscaper who looks after our team's football field they are really impressed, and a little jealous. I don't think they know how much work it is though - it's definitely trickier than keeping your backyard looking green. Not only does my football field need to look lush, it also needs to be perfectly even so that the ball doesn't bounce at crazy angles, and not so soft that the players boots sink in. I need to keep up with all of the latest tricks that landscapers have, and I write these up here so that everyone can give them a try on their own fields.


Football field maintenance

Protecting the Serenity and Beauty of Your Garden: 3 Techniques for Keeping Deer Out

Brad Craig

Deer are considered one of the most exotic and welcomed wildlife in Australia, which is home to only six species – chital, fallow deer, hog deer, red deer, rusa and sambar. Although deer are beautiful, they can do quite a bit of damage to your garden. Here are three ways that you can deer-proof your gardens and protect the beautiful plants that you have nurtured and grown.

Choose Deer-resistant Plants

Deer are quite predictable and prefer to feed on the same-old plants time and time again. Any plants that are considered to be too fragrant, too strong or even odd tasting will quickly drive deer away. The plants that are known to be most deer-resistant include the following:

  • Perennials like the Bleeding Heart, Catmint and Russian Sage. The Russian Sage is a particularly popular choice, due to the beauty of its slender, blue flowers, and its ability to be grown both in coastal areas and inland.
  • Vegetables like cucumbers, onions and hot peppers, as they can be quite strong and fragrant.
  • Annuals like the Marigold, Zinnia and Snapdragon.

All can be purchased and grown in Australia. A landscaper can help you incorporate these different plants into your garden to ward off deer.

Installation of Scaring Devices

As danger lurks everywhere in the wild, deer are particularly sensitive to sound, and the installation of motion-activated devices, like lights and sprinklers, can easily prevent deer from making a feast out of your garden. Keep in mind that deer become habituated quite easily, so you will have to move the scaring devices around your garden regularly in order for them to be effective.

Check your city's by-laws to determine whether there are any regulations and laws surrounding the installation of scaring devices. Landscapers can help you install scaring devices into your garden in a subtle manner that will not take away from the garden's overall beauty.

Put Up a Fence

Do not forget that deer are quite quick on their feet and can jump quite high and quite far – although they cannot do both at the same time. A red deer stag can easily jump over a fence erected over 1.83 meters high, so if you're going to put up a fence, you'll have to consider numerous factors.

Most landscapers recommend installing fences that are at least several meters high and also slanted upwards to prevent deer from jumping over them with ease. Fences can be made from numerous different materials, like burlap, mesh, and even snow fencing. Some experts even recommend electric fences to deter deer.


Although deer may appear majestic and beautiful, you won't be as astounded and amazed by them if your garden has been ruined by their presence. If you reside in an area with a large deer population, consider speaking with professional landscapers, such as those found at Elite's Rock Sand & Soil, to determine what you can do to keep deer out. 
