Football field maintenance
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Football field maintenance

When I tell people that I'm the landscaper who looks after our team's football field they are really impressed, and a little jealous. I don't think they know how much work it is though - it's definitely trickier than keeping your backyard looking green. Not only does my football field need to look lush, it also needs to be perfectly even so that the ball doesn't bounce at crazy angles, and not so soft that the players boots sink in. I need to keep up with all of the latest tricks that landscapers have, and I write these up here so that everyone can give them a try on their own fields.


Football field maintenance

  • Why There's Much More to Excavation Than Meets the Eye

    30 December 2018

    In any major construction project, the "money" is in the building itself. The investor will only realise their return once such a building has been finished and is fully occupied. It's not surprising, therefore, that most of the preliminary work is focused on that part of the equation, but for this project to be successful, the site must be prepared very carefully and in particular, its foundation must be prepared. If you're planning such a project from a big picture perspective, why do you need to pay full attention when it comes to your choice of excavation service?

  • How to Revive Your Yellow Lawn

    15 January 2018

    You can turn your yellow Kikuyu turf lawn around so that it starts looking lush again. The revival will depend on how accurately you diagnosed the cause of the problem. This article discusses some of the remedies that can restore that yellow lawn. Thinning Vegetation Lawns can turn yellow if thick trees on your property are preventing sunlight from reaching the blades of the Kikuyu grass. The absence of sunlight means that the grass will find it hard to manufacture its food through photosynthesis.