Football field maintenance
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Football field maintenance

When I tell people that I'm the landscaper who looks after our team's football field they are really impressed, and a little jealous. I don't think they know how much work it is though - it's definitely trickier than keeping your backyard looking green. Not only does my football field need to look lush, it also needs to be perfectly even so that the ball doesn't bounce at crazy angles, and not so soft that the players boots sink in. I need to keep up with all of the latest tricks that landscapers have, and I write these up here so that everyone can give them a try on their own fields.


Football field maintenance

How to Revive Your Yellow Lawn

Brad Craig

You can turn your yellow Kikuyu turf lawn around so that it starts looking lush again. The revival will depend on how accurately you diagnosed the cause of the problem. This article discusses some of the remedies that can restore that yellow lawn.

Thinning Vegetation

Lawns can turn yellow if thick trees on your property are preventing sunlight from reaching the blades of the Kikuyu grass. The absence of sunlight means that the grass will find it hard to manufacture its food through photosynthesis. You can revive your lawn by pruning or thinning out the trees so that sunlight can reach the grass.

Mow Correctly

Grass can also turn yellow if it is mowed incorrectly. For example, poor mower maintenance can result in serious damage to the grass, caused by the blunt mower blade. Similarly, mowing wet grass can also damage that grass because the mower blade will be unable to make a clean cut since the grass will clump together as the mower moves over it. You should therefore change and start mowing the grass after it has had time to dry.

Keep the Lawn Clean

Pests and disease can also cause your lawn to turn yellow. Pest larvae are particularly dangerous in this regard because they live within the root zone and feed on those roots. Fungal diseases may also afflict the lawn and turn it yellow. Regular raking can remove the conditions that favour pests and diseases in the grass. Examine the grass carefully and identify any pests that may be residing within it. Get an appropriate pesticide and spray it on the grass as recommended. Treat any discovered diseases, such as smut and fusarium wilt, promptly so that you restore the health of the lawn.

Improve Aeration and Drainage

Another common cause of yellow lawns is poor drainage. Standing water can block air from reaching the roots of the grass. Consequently, the lawn will suffocate and turn yellow before it starts drying up. Aeration and drainage can be improved by adding organic matter, such as compost, to the lawn. Use a garden fork to break up any compacted soil so that water and air can reach the root zone of your grass.

Lawns usually turn yellow during the hot months of the year. The shortage of moisture during this time increases the susceptibility of the grass to pests and diseases. Maintain a regular programme of watering the lawn deeply so that it can have the capacity to withstand any challenges that may come its way.
